Special helmets for Glock and Heidfeld (Update: And Vettel’s got one too!)

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The Toyota F1 car drawn on Glock's helmet is actually pretty accurate

Two of this weekend’s five home drivers – Timo Glock and Nick Heidfeld – are using special helmet designs created by fans in separate competitions. Here’s a look at the designs.

Glock’s design was chosen from 170 entries designed by children aged five to 17 in a competition run by sponsor Panasonic. Six-year-old Tom Luca Hoffmann’s design was chosen as the winner:

Timo Glock's new helmet, Nurburgring 2009 (click to enlarge)
Timo Glock's new helmet, Nurburgring 2009 (click to enlarge)

Meanwhile Hungarian Tamas Simon took 20 hours to create an intricate design for Nick Heidfeld. At the time of writing BMW haven’t actually published any shots of the design, but Heidfeld was carrying it with him when this publicity photograph was taken:

Rosberg, Sutil, Glock, Vettel and Heidfeld, Nurburgring, 2009 (click to enlarge)
Nick Hedifeld's new helmet, Nurburgring, 2009

There’s more pictures of it on Nick Hedifeld’s website.

Surprisingly Sebastian Vettel isn’t bringing a new skid lid to his home race despite having got through various different designs this year.

Update: More pictures of Heidfeld’s new helmet:

Nick Heidfeld helmet, Nurburgring 2009
Nick Heidfeld helmet, Nurburgring 2009
Nick Heidfeld helmet, Nurburgring 2009
Nick Heidfeld helmet, Nurburgring 2009
Nick Heidfeld helmet, Nurburgring 2009

Another update: Surprise, surprise – not wanting to be left out, Vettel’s got a new helmet design as well:

Sebastian Vettel's new helmet, Nurburgring 2009
Sebastian Vettel's new helmet, Nurburgring 2009
Sebastian Vettel's new helmet, Nurburgring 2009
Sebastian Vettel's new helmet, Nurburgring 2009
Sebastian Vettel's new helmet, Nurburgring 2009

More F1 drivers’ helmets

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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21 comments on “Special helmets for Glock and Heidfeld (Update: And Vettel’s got one too!)”

  1. PrisonerMonkeys
    10th July 2009, 10:33

    I love the photo of the five German drivers in pit lane, helmets in hand. It just screams “The Right Stuff”.

  2. No, it screams: “Let’s go get them, boys!”
    But only one does (SV) while the rest tuck in their tails and cow away.

    1. PrisonerMonkeys
      10th July 2009, 12:09

      Have you never seen “The Right Stuff”? There’s a shot almost exactly like that witha group of fighter pilots walking across the tarmac in a row, with their helmets in hand and flight suits on.

      1. their preparing to be launched into space enroute to the moon.

        1. yeah that’s what i was thinking – very nasa

  3. Surprisingly Sebastian Vettel isn’t bringing a new skid lid to his home race despite having got through various different designs this year.

    Seems like he couldn’t resist being the odd one out and has gone for a new design. Looks like his head is wrapped in tin foil. Sorry can’t find a pic yet.

    1. you’re right, he does hav a new one. f1.com has pic.



  4. Mr White, Mr Orange, Mr Red, Mr Silver, and Mr Blue.

    1. @ ajokay

      “Mr White, Mr Orange, Mr Red, Mr Silver, and Mr Blue”

      …Reservoir Racers

  5. There is a picture of Heidfeld’s helmet on official F1 site

  6. You caption in the main photo kills me Keith!!

  7. Clearly Rosberg and Sutil are too hard to be bothered by a bit of rain. Or their teams can’t afford the jackets! :P

  8. Texas F1 Fan
    10th July 2009, 16:00

    That’s one funky looking helmet for Heidfeld….

  9. sutil is really a tower

  10. I’ve added some more pictures of Heidfeld’s helmet above.

  11. I like Glock’s helment. It is kind of cool that he is wearing something that little kid designed. Pretty much made a life long F1 fan out of him.

    Texas F1 fan, that makes two of us from the Lone Star State!

  12. does anyone know if there are any rules about changing helmet designs during a season?… or about changing car livery too (ahem… coulthard)?

    1. I know all drivers had to agree for DC to drive the Gives you Wings car in his last race.

  13. Cool. Specially the “reservoir racers” pic, it really kicks ass, specially because they are really a nice bunch of guys and I enjoy their racing, even though just SV is top level now. Heidfeld has already set his name in F1’s history, and the others… well, I think they too have a lot to offer yet. But Sutil is not so tall… the other fellas are short. Wurz was the “f1 tower”.

  14. On the subject of helmets and Coulthard, he ended up wearing MS’s helmet once didn’t he? Something makes me want to say Monaco?

    1. It was Monaco 1996. DC couldn’t his own helmet for some reason so he borrowed Schumachers spare helmet

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