2017 Belgian Grand Prix Predictions Championship results

F1 Fanatic Predictions Championship

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Only one player managed to predict four out of the top five finishers correctly last weekend which earned them the top score for the Belgian Grand Prix round.

@Darnit scored 29 points and became the first person to win a copy of the brand new official Formula One game F1 2017.

The pole position time tie breaker was used to identify the next two prize winners from 14 people who’d tied on 24 points. @Racerdude7730, who is second in the overall standings, won a copy of the official 2016 F1 season review and @MIK33EE took third, winning the video F1: How it Was.

There are prizes to win every race weekend and at the end of the season for the top scorers. The F1 Fanatic Predictions Championship is free to enter. You will need an F1 Fanatic account to place so sign up here if you haven’t got one.

Enter your predictions for each race using the form below, and scroll down for more information on the prizes and the rules.

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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