Sergio Perez, Red Bull, Bahrain International Circuit, 2022

2022 pre-season testing day six in pictures

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Pictures from the third day of testing for the 2022 F1 season at the Bahrain International Circuit.

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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5 comments on “2022 pre-season testing day six in pictures”

  1. Electroball76
    12th March 2022, 8:44

    So is that Z -shaped sculpting on top the sidepod part of the upgrade?

    1. Yes indeed. It’s a new more sculpted version of their already slim sidepods.

      1. Electroball76
        12th March 2022, 12:30

        That’s cool. I get the impression that sidepods will be the new bargeboards in the battle for aero gains!

  2. I like a lot the new cars and the fact that are not all alike!

    However, have 2 simple tips to improve the aesthetics:

    1. The front tires ‘brows’ must be all black with no color traces, so they can almost be invisible;

    2. The tire rims must be all black with no color traces, so we can only see the tire type color.

    That’s it. I’m not greedy! ;)

  3. Can we see car comparisons like earlier here? (photos from front, back side views)
    It was so cool!!

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