
Straight-Line Testing?

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  • #293646
    Alex Brown

    Is this still done? Not heard about it for a little while…

    I remember hearing a while ago that teams have to register when they plan to do them, with the FIA, in advance, and this information is made public. I’d love to have a trip to Duxford one day to see them giving it some.

    Any info much appreciated!


    I believe that straight line testing still happens. It doesn’t count towards an annual testing limit, but can only cover a certain length/duration. It acts as a ‘shakedown’ to allow the teams to know if their car will actually function before a race weekend!

    Not sure if the teams ever allow the public to attend these, down to their paranoia over photographs of car detail getting out!

    Wasn’t Maria de Villota doing one of these prior to her tragic accident?

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